Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Time to land the helicopter!

We're back! We've traveled three times during the month of May...also known as "Maycation" in our home. Two wonderful family visits and one fabulous vacation to Vermont. We had a blast and we're so thankful that we were able to take school with us!

Today, we start to finish our year-end assignments, projects, etc. For the next couple of weeks, we're wrapping things up. I was concerned that our son was going to give me a hard time and push back with "Summeritis". You know, that lovely syndrome when kids "check out for the last month" until the end of the school year. It happens to our son (and millions of other kids) every year, usually around the end of May. Anyway, our son needs to finish his final copy of a story (language arts project) that he has been working on for a few weeks. I'm also trying to foster some independence in his schoolwork. Leaving the room for a while, letting him figure things out and asking me for help only when he absolutely needs it. So, I'm landing my "chopper" as a Helicopter Mom! Today, I asked him to sit at his laptop, with his written notes, and type his final copy of his report. Then I left the room for a while....

Would you believe that was more than an hour ago and he is actually enjoying it?!?!  His typing skills are pretty decent now, thanks to an online typing course. The best thing about his finishing this  story? His creative juices are flowing! Just from the little bit that he has shared with me, his story has action, suspense and it's so funny. I can't wait to read it, because he has become quite the writer! We always knew he loved sharing stories. He has the gift of gab and telling stories. Never in a million years would I have thought that he would love to write stories, too!

This is something that I can nurture as a homeschool mom. His new found-love of writing...OK, typing stories! Giving him the confidence to try new things and do them on his own and develop his own style of writing. So, my helicopter is landing...and the laptop is going into overtime!

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