Monday, March 24, 2014

Things that make us say...

Top 10 things that make this new-to-homeschooling family say "Blah! Ugh! Good Grief!"-

  1. Homeschooling paperwork....did I mention that we live in NY, one of the most regulated states in the country for homeschooling?
  2. This one comes from my husband (and fellow homeschoolers will know what we're talking about!) You tell someone that you're a homeschooling family and they give you the look....which is a combination of surprise-disbelief-aghast-and-being-judged.
  3. This cold, winter weather has over-extended its stay.  It's Spring, for Pete's Sake, and they're talking about another snowstorm???
  4. Your kid is in puberty.
  5. Your kid is in puberty and he has an attitude.
  6. Your kid is in puberty, he has an attitude and he constantly rolls his eyes at you.
  7. Your kid  is in puberty, he has an attitude, he constantly rolls his eyes at you and you realize that there is not enough chocolate in your house to comfort you.
  8. You can't write off your homeschooling expenses. Some states allow this, but of course, our state does not...see #1 for reinforced frustration.
  9. Your homeschool student doesn't appreciate your inner-science-geek! Additionally, your husband doesn't understand why you can't stop buying science kits.
  10. You still don't have enough time to read the books, magazines and countless emails that you have acquired about the topic of homeschooling.

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